(417) 864-4167 Steve Hare - Executive Director pastorstevehare@gmail.com

You've found the Bridges For Youth Centers, where thousands of kids have made memories and learned about God for 30 years.

It’s easy for your child, age 6 and up, to be part of the daily after-school program at the Bridges For Youth Centers.

Registrations are available at each Bridges location, either during regular after school hours or in the information box on the building.

No registration fees. The Bridges Centers are operated on voluntary donations from parents and community donors.

After school snacks, popcorn & Friday night meals.

Bridges provides a daily program that includes character building Bible devotions, prayer and a fun-filled center that is full of games, and fun activities inside and out.

Walking in the Truth Banquet

Tuesday, November 12


at Second Baptist Church

3111 E. Battlefield

Springfield, Mo. 

Come and hear about how God is at work at the 5 Bridges For Youth Centers.

Table Sponsors are $400 with tables seating 8.

Individual tickets $50 

Walking in the Truth Bridges Banquet– Your prayers appreciated that believers would hear about this, be invited and come and hear about how God is moving at the 5 Bridges centers this year. Truly God deserves all our praise, thanks and all the glory.  God has blessed us with so many kids this year and as we trust in Him to be able to serve and minister to the needs of kids that would otherwise overwhelm us. 

Please invite and introduce others to Bridges by inviting them to sit at your sponsored table or to come and attend with you.

Bridges Partners For The Gospel

Bridges for Youth Is A 501c3 All Donations Are Tax Deductible

**Donations Secured By PayPal

Make A One Time Donation

or Choose Your Monthly Donation


Or Mail Your Donation To:

Bridges For Youth

1039 W Nichols

Springfield, Missouri 65802

Bridges For Youth Newsletter


Bridges Is Christ-Centered, Fun And Free For ages 6 and up


About Us

The Bridges For Youth Centers are a non-denominational ministry to kids that was founded in 1994 in Springfield, Missouri.     We operate all 6 Bridges centers in Springfield, Marshfield and Strafford through faith in God. We share God’s good news and evangelize and disciple kids, because we know the truth and that the truth will set you free and bring the hope of salvation.  We are funded through donations, love indiscriminately and serve kids 6 to 17, who are registered and abide by  required youth center rules and guidelines. Disrespect for adults or other kids is not tolerated.  Everyone makes mistakes and has bad days and we practice forgiveness and always go the extra mile to restore relationships , so kids can continue to attend and grow.  

We Believe!

There is one God, eternally existing in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
That the Bible is God's only written revelation to man, and that it is verbally inspired, authoritative and without error in the original manuscripts.
In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us and His return to earth in power and glory.
In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, that He performs the miracle of new birth in unbelievers and indwells believers, enabling them to live Godly lives.
That man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, was alienated from God. Only through faith and trusting in Christ alone for salvation, which was made possible by His death and resurrection, can that alienation be removed.